Saturday, March 28, 2020

Top of the Class Tutoring - How Can We Get It?

Top of the Class Tutoring - How Can We Get It?Top of the Class Tutoring Services are a fairly new development in the education industry. This is because the curriculum has expanded significantly and there are now more kids than ever before who need help to succeed. These services help you get to the top of the class through a variety of techniques and strategies. Below we will discuss these services and how they help you get there.Classes are generally organized by certain time slots throughout the day. You will need to arrive at your designated classroom time and go through all the information that is provided in a lecture. They will provide a list of questions to ask when it comes to a particular area. The questions will be used to help you learn the material and understanding of the topic you have chosen.There are four lessons that the class has to learn in a classroom setting. One will include a discussion on how to solve a particular problem and will include a problem solving se ction that will show you how to solve the problems that you have with your child. The second lesson includes a discussion on how to understand a topic and will give you an opportunity to see if you understand the content thoroughly. The third lesson focuses on reading and writing skills and will help you decide if you have the ability to teach yourself.The last lesson will focus on helping you choose which subject you will be teaching your child's favorite subject. The last lesson will be used for parents to help them prepare for the class and also for the teacher to help them give a nice curriculum. Most services provide this information and this is a key component of the service.It is very important for parents to have feedback from their students on their own school work. There are several different means of doing this, but the most common is through surveys. This allows parents to discuss anything that they think is wrong with their child and gives them achance to discuss what t heir child likes and dislikes in regards to a topic.It is also a great advantage for a teacher to have a list of questions to ask students. This will allow the teacher to check to see if the student is ready to be tested in a given time frame. As you can see, there are many different ways to get better results when it comes to Top of the Class Tutoring Services. It all depends on how your child is progressing and where you want to be at the end of the semester.Bottom line is, it is very important to keep track of your student's progress and make sure you have everything ready for the school year to come. While there are many other methods of education out there that can be used for special needs students, Top of the Class Tutoring is probably the easiest method of learning. Once you can identify the weaknesses in your child's learning ability, it becomes much easier to teach him or her anything. Just make sure you use the right tools and know your child very well before you start te aching him or her anything else.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Life, Liberty and Property Day

Life, Liberty and Property Day Today, December 10th is Human Rights day. While the concept of human rights are beacon in human thought, amendments to this concept are necessary. How so? Any human right that is an expense of another constitute an aggression. For example, article 25 of the human rights declaration grants Adequate Living Standard. In other words, if my living standards are inadequate it is impossible to precisely define adequate living standards â€" you will have to be taxed. This will lower your living standard and raises mine â€" given that during the wealth distribution there is no leakage of funds. Do you think this is fair? Of course not, me forcing you â€" usually by means of a powerful state â€" to pay for my rent, my food and my Internet is an aggregation against your life, liberty and property. Thomas Jefferson writing his famous sentence pursuit of life, liberty and property. In fact, philisophers such as Murry Rothbard, Ayan Rand, Albert Jay Nock developed the Nonaggression principle. Here is Murray Rothbards version: No one may threaten or commit violence (aggress) against another mans person or property. Violence may be employed only against the man who commits such violence; that is, only defensively against the aggressive violence of another… The non-aggration principle is a modern-day version of the bibles olden rule: one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. The Human Rights Declaration includes the right to Social Security, Education, Cultural Life, Public Hearing, Rest, and even Leisure. These rights can only be grated at the expense of other human beings. Thus, they shouldnt be in the Declaration at all. This is, however, not to say humans shouldnt engage in education, culture, rest and leisure. By all means we should! But the way to get education is by spending our own property (money) on books, lessons and tutoring. And when the state gets out of the way of education, the teachers, tutors and text book writers will cater to the needs of the students and parents hereby creating a much more diverse, interesting, personalized and smarter education system. And TutorZ is a part of this industry serving you as our education client. We at TutorZ think of December 10th as the Life, Liberty and Property day and recommend the readings of Ludwig von Mises on this day:

Arizona Legislature Passes Discriminatory Religious Freedom Bill

Arizona Legislature Passes Discriminatory Religious Freedom Bill Opponents of SB 1062 protest the bill at a rally at the state Capitol. Photo courtesy of the Associated Press. The Arizona legislature passed a controversial bill that could be a huge step backward for gay rights on Feb. 20. SB 1062, or the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, amends existing provisions “to protect businesses, corporations, and people from lawsuits after denying services based on a sincere religious belief,” according to an ABC15 Arizona article  by Josh Frigerio. The bills fact sheet  states that the bill allows a person to claim free exercise as a defense in legal proceedings, and defines a person as “any individual, association, partnership, corporation, church, estate, trust, foundation or other legal entity.” The bill also outlines requirements that must be met in order for a religious defense to be used in court: a person’s action or refusal to act must be motivated by a religious belief, that religious belief must be “sincerely held,” and the free exercise of the person’s religious belief must be “substantially burdened.” On the surface, this doesn’t sound too bad. This country was founded on freedom of religion. It is protected by the first amendment of the constitution and is essentially part of America’s (figurative) DNA. Do I want to live in a country where people can be forced to act against their religion? As it turns out, maybe I do. It’s no secret that Christianity condemns homosexuality and that many people sincerely believe that gays are sinful people. And they are entitled to those beliefs. But this law would allow those people, businesses, and employers to discriminate against gays with legal protection, essentially sanctioning discrimination. People shouldn’t be treated differently based on their sexual orientation. Period. Being gay is not a choice, it’s something people are born as just like race or ethnicity or gender. Some people may dispute this fact but there is a little thing called science backing me up on this one. So if it is wrong to discriminate against someone based on the color of his skin, why is this any different? It is possible that racial discrimination could be motivated by a person’s sincerely held religious beliefs, no lawmaker in a thousand years would ever consider a bill that brought back segregation. Supporters of the bill  cite that an individual doesn’t forfeit his right to religious freedom just because he goes to work, and that Christian business owners are “simply trying to operate their businesses according to their consciences.” But while having a job shouldn’t threaten your constitutional right to religious freedom, no constitutional right is absolute, and when one person’s religion threatens another person’s rights, there’s a problem. As for acting according to your conscience, I don’t see how anyone with a conscience could advocate for what this bill suggests. What I find most frightening about this bill is the possibility for broad application. The case most often referenced when discussing this bill is Elaine Photography v. Willock, in which a New Mexico photographer refused to work at a same-sex wedding, citing that it violated her religious beliefs. The New Mexico Supreme Court ruled against the photographer  on grounds that she had violated the state’s Human Rights Act. The case is currently pending petition in the U.S. Supreme Court. I have to admit that I see the photographer’s point here (before people start attacking me on social media and forming an angry mob let me refer you to one of my previous articles). If she truly believes the right to marry is reserved exclusively for one man and one woman, going to a same-sex wedding, documenting the event and essentially celebrating their marriage would obviously make her uncomfortable. I don’t agree with her, but it is a logical argument. However, the idea that because of this one, very complicated example, we should allow anyone who has ever been to church to refuse any type of service to gays is ridiculous. The photographer’s case clearly satisfies the three requirements of the bill: her refusal to photograph the wedding was motivated by religious belief, her religious belief was sincerely held, and celebrating a same-sex wedding would substantially burden her free exercise. But who determines whether or not a religious belief is sincerely held, and who is to say what substantially burdens free exercise? A real estate agent could argue that by selling a gay couple a house they condone their living together. A restaurant owner could argue that by serving a gay couple on a date they condone their lifestyle in general. And every judge can just decide for himself whether or not he buys it. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer will have to decide whether or not she buys the bill as it stands; Brewer must either sign the bill into law or veto it, and her decision either way could have huge implications. Brewer has vetoed legislation almost identical to SB 1062, according to CNN, so this entire article might be moot anyway. Still, this issue of religion vs. gay rights isn’t going away anytime soon.   I recently read that Kansas and Idaho are proposing similar laws. But whatever your religion, treating another person like they are worth less than you are for any reason is just wrong. The Bible may say that homosexuality is a sin, one punishable by death, but it also teaches us to hate the sin but love the sinner, and love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Maybe if we stopped obsessing over the first lesson and tried to live out the second a lot of our problems would be solved. Cheesy, I know, but very true.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Giving the Gift of Time this Holiday Season - by TutorNerds

Giving the Gift of Time this Holiday Season - by TutorNerds This Holiday Season, Give the Gift of Time Many people feel sentimental during the holiday season and think about what they can give back to their community. This is a wonderful time of year to remember, and be thankful for, what we have and also remember that some people are less fortunate and do not have the same opportunities. Many people give material gifts or gifts of money, which are great to have and make people very happy, but giving the gift of time can be equally as good, if not better in some cases. Each and every high school student who attends public school in California must complete a minimum number of hours of community service in order to graduate (READ: Ring in the New Year With Philanthropy in the Community). One of the best ways that high school students can give the gift of time is to participate in peer tutoring use your private Orange County tutor from TutorNerds as an example. There are many students right here in San Diego, Orange, and Los Angeles counties who need help with basic subjects. Public schools can help match high school students with an elementary or middle school student who needs help with English or math. If you happen to be getting As in any of your core subjects, or if you happen to be talented in another subject, please inquire with one of your teachers at school as to how you might be able to give the gift of your time. Offer To Help Students who do not want to make a long-term commitment or who have already fulfilled their community service hours should consider giving the gift of time to a friend. Students, who are perhaps very good at history, may notice someone in their class who is often confused or unable to answer questions asked by the teacher (READ: Getting Your Community Service Credits). Why not contribute to your local community by inviting this person into your study group or offering to help them after school for one hour a week? Helping somebody achieve a higher grade is a gift that keeps on giving. Many high school students are using current technology or self-regulation to help themselves stay organized but I bet most students know at least one classmate who always seems to be running late, handing assignments in late or who is simply not remembering things. During our teen years, our minds are growing and its very difficult to remember left brain details, such as due dates and assignment details (READ: A Letter to My High School Self). Students who wish to help on an informal level can also give the gift of organization. Simply offering to help your friend or classmate organize their schedule and their binder, and help them record their due dates is a beautiful gift. Texting a group of friends with a reminder that an assignment is due only takes two minutes, but it can save those friends and classmates a lot of hassle in their academic environment. Consider Teaching English Students who would like to use their community service hours and receive official recognition should go through an appropriate charitable organization or through their school and make sure that the activities are preapproved to count for credit. One of the biggest issues we have here in Southern California is literacy and English language learning (READ: ESL Study Tips). Although math is also important, numbers are numbers in any language while the thousands of words in the English language are all foreign to students who speak a different language in their household. Working with younger students to read books, help them sound out new words, learn to write appropriately, and work on more advanced skills such as grammar and punctuation, is something that will make a difference for that childs entire life. Its not necessary for student volunteers to want to go into the field of teaching or philanthropy in order to help young members of their community. However, its a great way for any student to fulfill their community service hours while simultaneously making a difference. Happy Holidays! All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by TutorNerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about.

Learn To Speak English For Kids - How To Start Learning At Your Own Pace

Learn To Speak English For Kids - How To Start Learning At Your Own PaceYou can learn to speak English for kids at your own pace, which is no problem if you have the patience and dedication. It is much easier than you might think to get started, but it's not going to be an overnight success.You need to decide if you want to concentrate on studying grammar or spelling as you are learning to speak English for kids. Many children are beginning to learn to speak English in the school setting, but a lot of them will soon find that the concepts they learn can be broken down into more manageable chunks.There are many resources online where you can learn to speak English for kids, but some of these websites offer more than just basic lessons. The 'dumbing it down' mentality is beginning to be a little outdated, especially for younger children. That's why there are so many other ways to learn about the language.If you decide to focus on grammar and spelling, you will learn a lot more at a fas ter rate than those who wish to learn English for kids at a slower pace. Most of the resources available online provide drills, exercises, and audio tapes with the lessons. This helps you build the foundation of the English language as you learn to speak English for kids.The resources that you choose for learning English will depend on your learning style. Some people need to work at it very slowly while others would rather be learning right away. Either way, you are working toward a goal.If you are one of the people who would like to learn English for kids at a slow, steady pace, then you can look into ebooks, audio lessons, and other courses. These are relatively inexpensive and also very effective when you are learning to speak English for kids. Since it is all online, it will keep you motivated and on track to learn the English language.Those who wish to speak English for kids will soon realize that grammar and spelling are important to succeed in the language. If you don't like to work at it at first, then start with online resources, and then eventually pick up some books and CDs to supplement the material you learn. Soon, you will begin to see improvements, and you will even begin to think of yourself as a fluent English speaker.

How to Become a Tutor Online For General Chemistry

How to Become a Tutor Online For General ChemistryWhen you want to learn how to become a tutor online for general chemistry, it can be a lot easier than you think. If you have a passion for chemistry and you are interested in the field of teaching, then it's a very viable option for you to pursue.Learning how to become a tutor online for general chemistry comes down to understanding the field of teaching chemistry. I'm sure you're familiar with the popular saying 'There is no substitute for experience'. Chemistry is such a complex subject, that you may need to spend years studying it before you'll be well equipped to begin teaching it.Once you've learned all the knowledge required to begin teaching, you can move on to teaching how to become a tutor online for general chemistry. There are many different career options that await you once you've gained the necessary skills and knowledge to become a teacher. You can find that a business which specializes in teaching chemistry is the bes t way for you to advance your career options.There are many schools that will help you to become a tutor online by allowing you to earn money while you teach chemistry to others. In most cases, you'll earn more money than you would through traditional classroom instruction.The reason for this is that you don't need any classroom experience. A tutor online doesn't actually have to be in front of the class. You can actually come online from the comfort of your own home and teach anytime you want.In a traditional classroom environment, it's often difficult to get a student to show up and work hard. This is because they're typically worried about not being able to keep up with the rest of the class. You'll be able to help them overcome their fears of standing out by putting them in the same room as you, rather than having to learn chemistry in a classroom.If you're looking for a rewarding career where you can bring in supplemental income while also having fun, becoming a tutor online ca n be the perfect solution. It can also be a very lucrative career.

Creating a Teacher-Student Relationship

Creating a Teacher-Student RelationshipThe most important part of an organic chemistry tutor's job is, well, the teaching! Whether you are a student, an undergraduate or an adjunct professor, you'll find that the teacher-student relationship will be all the more important because this is where everything comes together.An interesting thing about being a teacher is that it goes right to the person's life. You go to school, get a degree, do research and experience life. As a teacher, you spend most of your time focusing on your students, learning as much as you can about their backgrounds, personalities and learning styles.Teaching is more than just a job. It is an art and science. As a teacher, you learn how to make the most of your time, you learn how to coach your students effectively, and you learn how to teach them.For this reason, I find it fascinating that we spend so much time talking about chemistry and chemical processes - two of the most basic tools of life - and yet, we don 't talk enough about what it takes to make this possible. I hope that you take the time to visit a teacher-student website, subscribe to a teacher newsletter or attend an Organic Chemistry tutor meeting. At each of these venues, you'll find valuable advice, tips and information about teaching and learning organic chemistry.The biggest advantage of becoming a teacher is that it allows you to learn about stereoisomerism. Basically, this is the study of molecular structures. In reality, this may seem like a long, tedious academic process but there are some easy things you can do to speed up the process. More teachers are realizing that this is an important and fun thing to learn and as a result, are creating websites and teaching resources to help facilitate stereoisomerism study.As you start to learn more about stereoisomerism, you'll also learn more about the subject itself. You will learn about what properties of molecules and the bonds are. You will also learn about how and why mol ecules form bonds and how they break bonds.Learning about stereoisomerism will improve your teaching in a number of ways. You will learn more about a topic, the people that are learning it and you will gain new insight into a subject. In addition, the knowledge you gain will improve your understanding of the subject itself. This is what makes a great teacher worth his or her weight in gold!

4 Ways to Make Arguments Stronger in Speeches

4 Ways to Make Arguments Stronger in Speeches A speech can be a very effective and personal way to share your opinion on a topic. You may be asked to deliver a speech in a humanities class, or if you are running for a leadership position in an extracurricular. Some jobs even require you to give speeches. Should you be presenting an argument a very common type of speech here are four ways to make your points stronger: 1. Be concise Remember that you are speaking, not writing. Complicated sentence structure and highly advanced or technical vocabulary may be valued in some types of writing, but they are not necessarily well received in speeches. Be specific with your examples avoid generalizations and blanket statements but be concise at the same time. Be aware of your minimum and maximum time limits, and lean toward the minimum if you can. Just like poetry, where every word is significant and carries weight, try cutting out as many words as possible while still retaining your meaning. In speeches, you will want to keep your audiences attention, and crafting a short argument may help you accomplish that aim.Knowinghow to give a presentationis another key element to a successful speech. 2. Know all sides of the issue Before writing your speech, make sure you do comprehensive research on your topic. If its a popular subject, keep up-to-date on whats happening, and tweak your speech accordingly, adding or taking out details as appropriate. Your speech may be stronger if your audience feels that youre sensitive to current events. In addition, consider addressing the opposing side and finding elements you agree with. All important topics are highly nuanced; if you recognize the complexities and acknowledge points from the opposing side, you may appear much more flexible and thoughtful. Your argument will consequently become stronger as well. 3. Know your audience Always modify the content of your speech to suit your audience. If your audience isnt familiar with your topic, you will need to include concise background information. If your audience does know the topic well, you can skip some of the background, and move to the heart of your argument more quickly. Be careful not to assume too much you do not want to risk losing your audience because they dont understand what youre talking about. Remember that your audience consists of people. Be genuine, and consider telling a personal story. This can help you build rapport with your audience. Know the different persuasive approaches, including ethos (appeals to ethics/morals), pathos (appeals to emotions), and logos (appeals to logic). You might focus on one, or you can employ a combination of the three. 4. Think about order and structure Your argument will be stronger if it is efficiently organized. Decide ahead of time how many points you will have, choosing a number that is manageable for your listeners. Use a list, outline, or flowchart to help you structure your thoughts. Look at all of your points to see how they might build on one another, as well as how they may flow best in a certain order. Your audience should always be able to follow your logic.The note organizing tipsmay help you organize your thoughts. After considering the above ways to make arguments stronger in speeches, practice aloud to yourself, with a friend, or with a public speaking tutor. You should be able to hear the awkward words or sentences, and to see what might need to be added or removed. Create notecards, prepare any visual aids, and get ready to blow your audience away!

5 Guaranteed Steps For Easy Essay Writing

5 Guaranteed Steps For Easy Essay Writing 0SHARESShare Essay writing skills help you down the life in career and other areas of written communication. Here are 5 guaranteed writing steps as a start up for you. Step 1 Purpose Start with personal essays. Spot out your favorite areas like gardening, music, sports, cooking and pick out your fit. Put your idea into a statement and there your thesis statement is ready. With the thesis statement your writing begins. Learn English In A Funny Way With The Help Of Online English Tutor â€" Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) July 22, 2015 Step 2 Title Title is the one that hooks the readers. It should be one such your reader wants to read the essay. It should convey the purpose of your essay. Some of the good titles are Who is the She- Conomy? What is new about Kung Fu Panda 3? Multi tasking scenario of preset generation- good or bad? Roof Gardens-aesthetic and useful! You can choose your title and start writing or vice versa. Step 3 Introduction Your introduction should be short and sweet. It should focus on the thesis or topic directly to arrest the attention of the reader. Here are some catchy introductions Women are today’s chief buyers. Have you missed them? Then you are to market to them. How many of you have a garden at home? One at the top? Mine is one and I boast of it to everyone. Why you know? Step 4 Body of the essay Now you have come to the main aspect. Have you notes researched upon the topic? Choose the best 3 or 4 ideas out of your notes and write them down separately on clean papers. Search for ideas that come under each main idea. Write them down under each main idea. Now your body of the essay is ready with 3 or 4 paragraphs with topic sentences and the supporting ideas for them. Check out Write Effective #Essays With An Online #English Tutor at: via @StreetArticles â€" Tutor Pace (@TutorPace) July 22, 2015 Step 5 Conclusion Last one is conclusion. It also should be short and relevant like introduction. Here you summarize your key points to make your stand clear. Well, your essay is ready and you would do more when you practice these basic steps in writing an essay. For more help, contact Tutor Pace’s online English tutors who help you with more strategies. [starbox id=admin]